08 January 2015

A Face Across the Board

From the January 2015 issue of Chess Life, 'Faces Across the Board' column by Al Lawrence, special 'Goes International!' edition...

...The writeup says,

Prodigious chess blogger since 1997 • From 2002 to 2008, Mark worked as chess guide for About.com, producing a widely read feature article every week. A Cornell math and computer science grad, he’s "semi-retired" from managing behemothic corporate databases. Now Mark writes his popular and frequently updated "Chess for All Ages" site (chessforallages.blogspot.com), appropriately subtitled: "My place to say things about chess that I can’t say in the other places where I say things about chess." His always-interesting chess cornucopia of blogs and columns attracts "about 4,000 visitors a day" and covers everything from the world championship to scholastic starter kits.

In the interest of accuracy -- as in How Reliable Am I? -- I've been creating web content since 1997. According to an early post on this blog, My Introduction to Blogging, I started blogging in 2003. How long will I continue? Until it is no longer fun!

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